Avoiding Politics
I have had an outline of this topic for several weeks now. Even though I should probably grade some essays instead, today seems like a good day to tackle this post. I don't tend to post much about politics. There are several reasons for this. First of all, I don't add strangers to my social media. That means I know all of my "friends." I respect them and realize that they have unique life experiences that contribute to their beliefs. I am not trying to negate their family histories and backgrounds. Secondly, social media tends to exaggerate our differences. I suspect that in most cases, if I spoke with a person individually, we would agree more than we disagree. We have similar values, but we might promote those values in different ways. If I can't come across sincerely and respectfully through a certain medium, I don't want to use that platform to share my beliefs. Finally, I want people to like me. If I don't say anything controversial, no one can h...