First Foray Into Theology
After this crazy snowstorm, people have been saying "be careful what you wish for" as they tease everyone who hoped for a white Christmas. We got a white Christmas - and then some. Even though wishes and prayers are very different things, they share some characteristics. While we should also say prayers of gratitude and spend time listening for God's response, a significant amount of prayer is dedicated to asking God for things. In a way, we are telling God all of our wishes. Does God grant wishes? More broadly, does He answer prayers? If He does answer prayers, when does He do so, and in what manner? While our faith may provide clues to the answers, we obviously cannot know them with complete certainty. I have enjoyed many deep conversations with friends as we worked through our ideas together. Most of my thoughts on the matter are made up of questions. If God does, indeed, address prayers directly and intervene in our daily affairs, does that mean tragedies occur ...