
Showing posts from July, 2018

When Actions Don't Match Words

Over and over again, we are told to ask for help when we need it. "Don't be a hero." "Don't try to do it all yourself." "Don't keep it all inside." So I ask for help. I admit when I'm feeling overwhelmed. I seek out the advice of those I respect, who know more than I do and who have been there before. Yet recently when I said I was going through a rough period and I asked people to contact me if it was okay to talk to them, only two individuals reached out to ask if I was alright. It's not just emotional assistance. I've asked for help with work or family issues and gotten no response. Sometimes people tell me they will get back to me, and they never do. I may remind them, and they say they will have an answer the next day, but I never get an answer. Sometimes they don't even respond to my initial inquiry. I feel like my e-mails go straight to their trash folders. In the end, I'm left dealing with the issue by myself