Hating on my Hometown
As a teenager, a common theme was that many kids expressed a desire to "get out of town." Teaching high school now, it is a trend I see has continued. Honestly, you can't fault teenagers for wanting to leave their homes, explore new cities, and experience more independence. What does concern me is the number of adults who are negative about this city. The pessimism is so rampant, it's almost a part of the city's culture - a troubling notion. How will we get others to believe in us if we don't even believe in ourselves? I believe in the city. My family moved back to my hometown for several reasons. Perhaps the most obvious and maybe the most important one is the proximity to other family members. Someone will inevitably accuse me of being here solely for that reason, but the truth is, there are many things I love about this city. Despite the teenagers' assertions that there "is nothing to do around here," every weekend we are choosing betwee...