
Showing posts from July, 2020

Rocky Waves, Safe Harbor

Now that we are in the full swing of summer, it seems I encounter at least one wedding anniversary post per day. There are pictures of couples smiling broadly at each other while they declare that they are still "madly in love" with their "best friend." Earlier this year, my husband and I celebrated our 11th anniversary. While my post was not as sentimental as some of the others I've seen, I did still share photos of us kayaking and climbing together to mark the occasion. I have previously shared how grateful I am to have my husband in my life, the instrumental role he played in first seeking help for my illness, and some of the ways we maintain our connection after all this time together (see "Telling Stories," "Love - Is It A Feeling Or A Choice," and "Til Death Do Us Part"). In many ways, though, my husband and I should not be a successful couple.  To some extent, we have opposite issues when fighting. My husband will exit the co

Strengths and Weaknesses

My major project this summer was to clean out the attic. There were bins up there that had remained untouched since we moved into this house. I realized it was time to sort through them and let go of some things. I had bins full of notes from high school, college, and even optometry school. When I first saved them, I thought, "I may need to look back on these some day!" This time, I told myself that if I needed a refresher on any of the information, I could look it up elsewhere. I saved sentimental items, including notes and pictures from my friends. I also kept noticing awards that I had won in high school. Most of them were for science classes. This led me to reflect on my decision to study science. My choice was, in no small part, due to those awards. You see, I don't know if science is what I am "best" at doing. I may be a better writer. I may be better at interpersonal relationships. I'm not entirely sure. But I do know my class had an abundance of tale