Why Wildflower Seeds?

In college, an individual gave me a packet of wildflower seeds as a symbolic gift. The seeds represented new possibilities and creations that could spring forth from my past experiences; the individual chose wildflowers because we didn't yet know what my future would hold. 

I thought perhaps I would write a book, either directly or loosely based on my life, and title it Wildflower Seeds. The book would be my flowers. As I started to write, however, I questioned just how vulnerable I would allow myself to be. I set the project aside and gave up on writing for awhile.

Recently, two individuals have encouraged me to start writing again. I will probably tell their stories in time; one reminded me how much I enjoy writing, and the other suggested that I should share my opinions even when I am sometimes reluctant to do so. Therefore, this blog will be a mixture of things: poetry, short stories, and essays. They are my current collection of seeds, and I am eager to see the flowers that grow from them.

I will start with a poem I wrote as a young teenager. The poem explores the theme of self-doubt, and I think the poem is appropriate right now because in the past I have been hesitant to share my work for fear that it would not be good enough or that people would not like my ideas. I am finally trying to move past those doubts. Without further ado, here is "The Audience."

The Audience

I can barely hear myself speak
But I can hear every noise, every creak
I am afraid of something unknown
I’m in a group, yet I feel alone
I seem to be addressing someone
Some mysterious, invisible person
They can hear my every mistake
And cannot see the time I take
They only see my faults, my flaws
They see the end, and not the cause
I race against their invisible clock
And grow more panicked with every tick, each tock
This person cannot deny
That honestly, I do try
But they don’t really seem to care
And I can’t find help anywhere
So I give up, and start to cry
And only the audience sees the dream die
For every person that I find
Is never as harsh as the voice in my own mind


  1. Beautiful poem! Although, I can tell it's from several years ago because this isn't who I see when I look at you anymore.


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