Birthday Wishes

Things can get a little lonely when you are a parent of young children, especially if you stay home with them. You might not have much interaction with other adults on a daily basis, and your kids are probably not a source of deep conversation.

It was this reality I faced when my birthday approached this past spring. I generally do not have high expectations for my birthdays, but I looked forward to getting a few more texts than usual and maybe having a small party with close family members. I hoped the sense of isolation would subside for a bit.

That didn't happen. An unexpected number of individuals forgot my birthday. Only one friend checked in with me on the day itself. My mom bought cupcakes, but we didn't eat them together as a family. Due to some incorrect assumptions and miscommunication, there was no party; no one sang to me. I felt a greater sense of loneliness than usual.

I'm not the kind of person who needs a lot of gifts, and I dislike being the center of attention. But I do like to be acknowledged once in awhile. For my next birthday, my only wish is that people let me know they are thinking of me.


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